Patrick Honourable
Work at communication center
Marketing / Advertising / Public Relations
About Patrick Honourable:
Am Felix Udegbe,
Revolted christian omega fire ministries is my church Auchi. I Am a graduate also I have some professional certificate courses as well. I have work in different places . fully married and blessed with 2 daughter's. Thanks you.
Work at mega filling station onitsha supervisor 2011
Work at sev oil company port Harcourt 2013
Work at first Mobitech 2015/2022 communication manager Auchi
Work at Airtel company smart cash 2022/2023
Prmary school Ekhei Auchi
Secondary school our lady of fatima collage 2001
Auchi polytechnic marketing in OND 2004.
Marketing in Auchi polytechnic Auchi HND 2009.
Chartered nim 2010
Business adminstration kogi state university PGD. 2018/2019