beBee background
Salisu Sanda

Salisu Sanda

Field worker

Services provided: Primary Care

Daura, Daura
₦3 / hour
Approximate rate


About Salisu Sanda:

Worked as field worker and an administrator, who has enough experience working with different communities.

Served from the intermediate level staff to the level of a coordinator in the health services.

Performed very well in organizing teams to carry out their jobs effectively, where I supervise and monitor the activities at a point in time.

Ensure accountability frame work to an assigned job to a team in a specificied period of time. To make sure things work well using the resources proveded correctly and justifiably.


Public health professional with years of experience in administration and field work.

Worked for 35 years.ayer and retired as


-Diploma in public health

-Bsc Environmental health and safety

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